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Compact a Chainweb node database

Because a healthy blockchain continuously adds new transactions in new blocks that change the state of the database, managing the storage requirements on individual nodes can be challenging.

To address this storage issue, Chainweb provides the cwtool compact command. The cwtool compact command enables you to delete historical unused state from the chainweb-node Pact SQLite database. Removing old state that isn't required to validate transactions or reach consensus enables your node to use far less disk space overall while maintaining the semantic integrity of node operations.

To compact a Chainweb node database:

  1. Open a terminal shell on a computer with access to the chainweb-node you manage.

    For example, if you run the node in a Docker container, open a terminal in the container. If you installed chainweb-node from a release binary or built it from source, open a terminal or secure shell on the computer where the binary is installed.

    For information about installing chainweb-node from a release binary or building it from source code, see the chainweb-node README.

  2. Verify that you have access to the cwtool command-line program by running the following command:

    cwtool --help
    cwtool --help

    If you have access to the cwtool program, you should see usage information similar to the following:

    Chainweb Tool This executable contains misc commands that have been created for variousreasons in the course of Chainweb development. Linking executables is slow andthe resulting binaries are large, so it is more efficient in terms of buildtime, space usage, download time, etc to consolidate them into one binary. Usage: cwtool COMMAND Available options:  -h,--help                Show this help text Available commands:  ea                       Generate Chainweb genesis blocks and their payloads  run-nodes                Run a local cluster of chainweb-node binaries  slow-tests               Run slow Chainweb tests  tx-list                  List all transactions in a chain starting with the most recent block  genconf                  Interactively generate a chainweb-node config  header-dump              Dump Block Headers to a JSON array  b64                      Command line utlis for Chainweb base64 encode/decode  db-checksum              Generate a checksum of all the checkpointer database tables between an inclusive range of blocks.  known-graphs             Encode know graphs as JSON values  tx-sim                   Simulate tx execution against real pact dbs  compact                  Compact pact database  pact-diff                Diff the latest state of two pact databases  calculate-release        Calculate next service date and block heights for upgrades
    Chainweb Tool This executable contains misc commands that have been created for variousreasons in the course of Chainweb development. Linking executables is slow andthe resulting binaries are large, so it is more efficient in terms of buildtime, space usage, download time, etc to consolidate them into one binary. Usage: cwtool COMMAND Available options:  -h,--help                Show this help text Available commands:  ea                       Generate Chainweb genesis blocks and their payloads  run-nodes                Run a local cluster of chainweb-node binaries  slow-tests               Run slow Chainweb tests  tx-list                  List all transactions in a chain starting with the most recent block  genconf                  Interactively generate a chainweb-node config  header-dump              Dump Block Headers to a JSON array  b64                      Command line utlis for Chainweb base64 encode/decode  db-checksum              Generate a checksum of all the checkpointer database tables between an inclusive range of blocks.  known-graphs             Encode know graphs as JSON values  tx-sim                   Simulate tx execution against real pact dbs  compact                  Compact pact database  pact-diff                Diff the latest state of two pact databases  calculate-release        Calculate next service date and block heights for upgrades
  3. Create a backup copy of your current pact sqlite database to save all current state by running a command similar to the following:

    cp -r /data/state/chainweb/db/0/sqlite /tmp/sqlite-backup-dd-mm-yyyy
    cp -r /data/state/chainweb/db/0/sqlite /tmp/sqlite-backup-dd-mm-yyyy

    Creating a backup copy of the database requires you to have more disk space available to store both the active database and the backup until you complete the compaction. However, creating a backup ensures that the node continues to run uninterrupted while the database is being compacted. The backup also ensures tht you can restore the database if something goes wrong with the compacted database.

  4. Compact your backup sqlite database by running the cwtool compact command with the following arguments:

    • --target-blockheight to keep enough state available to continue validating blocks after the database has been compacted. An appropriate value depends on the network your node is connected to. For example, if you are compacting your local development netowrk for testing purposes, you would set a lower block height than a node connected to the Kadena test network or main network. If this parameter isn't computed automatically, you should specify a value of at least 3.5 million (”3500000”) for a node connected to the Kadena main network.
    • --pact-database-dir to specify the path to the backup pact sqlite state where all of the *.sqlite files are located.
    • --log-dir to specify the directory where you want cwtool compact to put the log files it creates, one for each chain. If the directory doesn’t exist, cwtool compact creates it. These logs can be useful if something goes wrong.

    For example, run a command similar to the following:

    cwtool compact \  --target-blockheight 3500000 \  --pact-database-dir /tmp/sqlite-backup-dd-mm-yyyy \  --log-dir /tmp/compact-sqlite-logs
    cwtool compact \  --target-blockheight 3500000 \  --pact-database-dir /tmp/sqlite-backup-dd-mm-yyyy \  --log-dir /tmp/compact-sqlite-logs
  5. Stop your node, replace the original pact sqlite state with the newly compacted sqlite state from the backup by running a command similar to the following:

    mv /tmp/sqlite-backup-dd-mm-yyyy /data/state/chainweb/db/0/sqlite
    mv /tmp/sqlite-backup-dd-mm-yyyy /data/state/chainweb/db/0/sqlite
  6. Restart your node.

    Your node should start normally and continue running with the reduced database size as though nothing has changed. As a precaution, you should keep the backup copy of the database available—in a compressed format, if necessary—until you're sure that you won't need to restore from it.

If you encounter errors or warnings, open a new issue for chainweb-node or contact Kadena developers in the infrastructure channel on the Kadena Discord server.